February 2015 Outdoor Explorations

Outdoor Discoveries News from the Outdoor Classroom College Park Preschool

The Outdoor Classroom has been a busy place, especially in the Nature Space! Over the holidays, a mud kitchen was added and the climbing/exploration area got a bit of a makeover. The students have been amazing their teachers, Mrs. Kathie and me with their creations and engineering in the nature space! What might look like simple playing is anything but! It is true that they are playing: choosing what to do and enjoying it. They are also observing, interacting, absorbing, exploring, and most importantly: learning!IMG_3295

Both gross and fine motor skills are represented in the children’s work in the nature space. The climbing area and exploration trails (which we affectionately call “Narnia”) provide the children with ropes, hills, stumps and trees with which they can use their bodies to navigate in a big way.

Down at the mud kitchen, there is much picking plants, mixing, measuring and use of kitchen utensils like whisks and mixers. This requires some forethought and problem solving on their part. I watched in amazement while a group of boys retrieved water from the hose last week. There is a “dog lick” on the hose to allow the water to pour slowly rather than spray all over. This group of children waited patiently as each friend got their water. They took turns without us reminding them to do so! This focused work has been a joy to watch as it unfolds.IMG_3307

Please make sure to stop by the hallway to the Wild Things classroom where our school lending library resides. There is a documentation board with many pictures of the goings on in the mud kitchen that you won’t want to miss.

As always, thank you for sharing your children with us at College Park. They are the highlight of my day!

~Mrs. Greaves

Director’s February Newletter

Many of you have not had the opportunity to hangout in our beautiful art studio so I thought I would take you “behind the scenes” with me. The Parent Group did the fundraising to pay for the studio to be created. I am forever grateful because the art studio is my favorite place on campus. The children learn that this a calm place for their creative spirits where they are free to move to different centers. Each day the teachers, Miss Cynthia and Mrs. Alicia set out different materials for the children to explore. Many of the things are set up for a week or two so the children have plenty of time to use the materials in different ways. Today when I was observing the children I watched a little boy connecting the colored markers end to end. He created 2 “sticks” of different lengthens and then put them next to each other and compared the lengths. ArtStudio1 ArtStudio2This is not what the markers were designed for however this child was being creative and using math skills to compare them. Markers get used in this manner all the time and I celebrate it when I see it because I know they are working “outside the box” with the materials and developing their eye hand coordination.

Another table had “repurposed” materials to tape or glue together. Building/creating with three dimensional objects is another level of development for children. Now they have to incorporation balance, gravity, and surface availability (where to put the glue or tape). This is a group creation that is being added to by many children.

  • February 24 & 25 will be school picture day. Many of you will want your child to look “perfect”. From my experience as a parent and teacher I have learned that the bump on the head that shows in the picture will illicit more memories than the “perfect pose”. I am not advocating for hurting children but rather put your mind at ease that however the picture turns out it will capture a moment in time that is worth remembering.
  • Are your younger children on the school wait list? Registration for the 2015-16 school year will start March 1st. Younger siblings get priority registration. If you haven’t put them on the wait list now is the time to do so. Come in the office to fill out the form and pay $10.00 (cash or check). I use the wait list to get the names of the siblings so you get their registration packet at the same time.
  • A word about registration for the 2015-16 school year. Children that are returning will get a registration packet in their cubbies on March 1st. There are only a few forms to fill out along with the nonrefundable $75.00 fee for returning children. Packets need to be returned by March 15th to keep your priority. After that I start calling families on the wait list. Many families like to request a teacher especially if an older sibling had that teacher. I like to honor requests whenever possible. If you have a request please write it on the registration card. Having said this I want you to know that if for some reason you don’t get your request all of our teaching teams are amazing and I am confident you will come to love the new teachers.
  • The Dance, Family Pajama and Pancake night is February 6th at 5:30 pm sponsored by the CPP Parent Group. Come in you PJs, children and adults for an enjoyable evening.
  • Attached is the February calendar and the art studio newsletter (sorry for the delay in sending it to you).

“As human beings, our job in life is to help people realize how rare and valuable each one of us really is, that each of us has something that no one else has –or ever will have – something inside that is unique to all time. It’s our job to encourage each other to discover that uniqueness and to provide ways of developing its expression.” Fred Rogers